Ideas for Keeping Your Players Motivated During the Lockdown
Published by Andy Magrath in Tennis Ideas · Thursday 23 Apr 2020 · 1:30
Tags: Tennis, Coaching, in, Lockdown
Tags: Tennis, Coaching, in, Lockdown
Ideas for Keeping Your Players Motivated During the Lockdown
I know, these are unprecedented times with very little if any income, an inert tennis programme and racquets gathering dust. But amongst the gloom, the actions from many in our industry have been second to none.
Home tennis ideas, webinars to discuss the way back, the list goes on. Never more a better time to show solidarity and cooperation because regardless of qualification or coaching venue, we are all in the same boat and above all we have clients who are no doubt itching to get back on court.
I’m sure that you’ll agree that staying in contact with your client base is essential and if you’re already doing so then great, but I’d like to pass on a few ideas if you’re struggling:
- Utilise your/create social media groups. You should have one for adult players and one for parents
- Pass on videos of exciting matches or incidents, there are loads out there
- Post home tennis/fitness drills and games videos. If you can’t create your own, then use other coaches’ there are plenty out there including our own which you can use.
- Offer to look at players’ racquet grips via facetime/skype in terms of correct size and condition
- Set up online tennis quizzes
- Try and offer something new in your programme to whet their appetites when things get going again:
- A free cardio tennis session as a welcome back statement. Offer to Juniors and Adults.
- A new matchplay session
- A new player profile system
- A new awards system
If you have any ideas you’d like to share, then please do in the comments box below.
Many thanks
Take care
Andy Magrath