Players should never finish a topspin forehand over their shoulder

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Players should never finish a topspin forehand over their shoulder

LTA Tennis Coach Accreditation Courses | MTI
Published by Andy Magrath in Tennis Coaching · Tuesday 05 Nov 2019 ·  1:00
Tags: Topspinforehandfinishforehandfollowthrough
Official; Players should never finish a topspin forehand over their shoulder

The shoulder finish should not be taught anymore. Players should only learn the wrap finish as it increases acceleration and spin.
I’ve been laughed at by a ‘performance’ coach claiming that “No-one on the tour finishes a topspin forehand over their shoulder anymore!”
And beginners and/or mini red players learning to lift the ball for first time?
“They should start by using a ‘windshield wiper’ forehand”

The lasso forehand aka hooked or buggywhip? Aren’t all finishes utilised depending on the player’s intention in terms of height direction and angle?
“Players should be taught to rip the ball and the only optimum finish which offers this is the wrap finish. The buggy whip is too dangerous for club players and kids attempt to play like Rafa will come off the ball too early”
So, there you have it. Proof if proof be needed. I’ve also heard people shout this on social media enough times. So, it must be true?


What do you think?

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