The Forum for the Great Game of Tennis | MTI - LTA Tennis Coach Accreditation Courses | MTI

Supplier of High Quality CPD Tennis Education

LATEST 2025 COURSE NEWS :  21st March - Add Power to Your Serve9th May - Art of Singles12th Sept - Art of Doubles 7th November - Under 10's Development - SPACES

LATEST 2025 COURSE NEWS :  21st March - Add Power to Your Serve9th May - Art of Singles12th Sept - Art of Doubles7th November - Under 10's Development - SPACES

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I’m sure that you will agree to the importance of staying physically active and mentally charged
So, we at MTI would like to offer you a series of FREE video exercises to help your all-round fitness and flexibility that you can do at home devised by Head Coach Tutor, Andy Magrath.
The shoulder finish should not be taught anymore. Players should only learn the wrap finish as it increases acceleration and spin.
Learn to serve like Roger Federer. In this article we show you how you can learn to serve like one of the greatest players in history with an 18-step photo guide...
Fact or Myth; learn the truths about Roger's topspin forehand. In this article we analyse the biomechanics of Federer's forehand with step by step photos...
The First Four Shots - We all know the importance of the first four shots in tennis…over 75% of pro points are won and lost within the first four shots...
Pete Sampras made no secret about how he felt about his performance against Andre Agassi in the 1999 Wimbledon final. That was “the perfect tennis match”
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